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Crosscourt vs Straight

Published: 27 May 2013 - 00:02 by kalaz

Updated: 19 Jun 2013 - 18:42

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I feel like straight drives are being trained much more than cross court drives. Why is that? I think it's equally as important (and hard) to play cross courts with a good width.

I play so little of good cross courts that my oponents notice that in a few minutes in the game, they stop returning to the T and cut off my straights with volleys quite easilly.

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From rippa rit - 19 Jun 2013 - 18:42

What ever shots you use be sure to make your opponent run a full circle and that means using all the four corners of the court.  If you can do this your opponent will have a good workout and you will have a better chance of exploiting the centre of the court.

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From simonp - 19 Jun 2013 - 17:07

It's a question of safety I'd say. A straight drive is much safer than a crosscourt.

Yes people can cut off your straight drive, but not if it's clinging to the wall or if it's hit with height.

It's much easier to cut off an imperfectly hit crosscourt with a drop to the opposite corner, so you shouldn't be doing it too much or at least only if you're sure you can hit it wide enough.

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From vanleeuwen - 19 Jun 2013 - 02:06

 Because against certain players it's just too risky to cross court the ball,  for example youtube johnathn power shabanna windy city 2006.    Shabanna, a lethal shooter is afraid to hit a cross court against Johnarhn, and when he does he is punished for it.   If you don't believe that your fitter then your opponent you should hit more straight drives then cross courts.   If your cross court is intercepted, by there volley you will be doing all the running.

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From rippa rit - 27 May 2013 - 07:51   -   Updated: 27 May 2013 - 07:52

Variety is the spice of life! So they say.

You must not set any pattern of play, and also practice deception to keep your opponent guessing/hold your shot until the opponent moves.

What do I mean, play tight and length to get yourself into position/force a weaker shot, then you will have a bigger choice of return, eg volley drop, volley boast, cross court drop, etc.

Our Squashgame Library. see the browser at the top has lots of training ideas, and a good tactical chapter.

If you keep hitting repetitively the opponent almost ends up sitting on your shoulder, yeah!



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