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Vibration Dampeners / Shock Asborbers - Useful?

Published: 17 May 2013 - 13:25 by mysteryplayerNZ

Updated: 23 May 2013 - 03:59

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Hi Guys,

Vibration Dampeners.  Useful or Useless?  Most people at my club don't use them, only myself and 1 other guy have them on our racquets from what I can see.  I use a Dunlop M-Fill Elite 140 and it came with the standard dunlop dampener, the little double yellow squash ball, and I've never taken it off (unless it's fallen off mid play) because I've always assumed that if it has one then theres probably a good reason for it... The couple of times I have played without it after the dampener has fallen off, my shots don't appear to be as accurate, BUT this could be my brain making me THINK that when in actuality my shots were the same as they have always been... hmmm.  My mind has been tainted with this thought therefore I can't make a sound judgement on it hence why I need outside opinion.

Some players say it doesn't make enough of a noticable difference to be of any use and others say they prefer "feeling" the ball hit the racquet rather than feeling nothing which kinda contradicts what the others say... and 1 guy even said it throws the balance off (how heavy a dampener was he using?!).  A few didn't have an answer, their racquet never came with one so they've never used one.  The other guy who did have one has never played without one so he can't help me.  What experiences have others had with dampeners?

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From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 03:59

 I have never seen one used in a pro match.  If it came off I believe you would just lose the point.   Modern racquets vibrate a fraction of what the racquets used to 10 years ago.      I think in theory your shots would be less accurate as that dampner puts pressure on the 2 main strings that it attaches to and not the rest of the strings which is bad.   The dunlop dampner is a gimick kind of like a tag that you cut off a new pair of shorts.   

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From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 03:58   -   Updated: 23 May 2013 - 03:59

 I have never seen one used in a pro match.  If it came off I believe you would just lose the point.   Modern racquets vibrate a fraction of what the racquets used to 10 years ago.      I think in theory your shots would be less accurate as that dampner puts pressure on the 2 main strings that it attaches to and not the rest of the strings which is bad.   The dunlop dampner is a gimick kind of like a tag that you cut off a new pair of shorts.   

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