What are the rules on this??
Published: 14 May 2013 - 01:24 by Jane Alexander
Updated: 17 Jul 2013 - 14:13
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I've just played someone in a league game at my local squash club and he kept swapping hands that he was holding his racquet with - is that allowed?? I kept mentioning it with a smile on my face but it just didn't seem right to me. What do you think??

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From Boasting - 17 Jul 2013 - 14:13
From raystrach - 15 May 2013 - 21:00
hi jane
there is nothing in the rules which stops a player from changing their hitting hand.
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I used to play with a guy who did this. He was a right hander, but when the ball came off the back wall in the back-hand corner he would change to left hand and play a forehand down the wall.
Like Ray said there's no rule against it.
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