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Squash in Stockholm?

Published: 10 May 2013 - 07:07 by yahya.azeem

Updated: 26 Jun 2013 - 01:08

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 Which would be the best courts to play in Stockholm (sweden) - courts in terms of people playing there, and of course the courts there (not too slow)

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From logic - 26 Jun 2013 - 01:07   -   Updated: 26 Jun 2013 - 01:08

 I actually run a squash site mapping and ranking squash courts in Sweden. You can find all addresses to squash courts thru the following link (there are 11 where 5 are located in central Stockholm). Even thou the text is in swedish you can find most of the information (address, phone numbers, opening hours, other contact information) there.

Both Roslagshallen and Gärdet Squash are run by Swedish top professional Squash players so you will be able to find good help there if you want private tutoring or other related help. Good luck, cheers!


The link is

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From robbull - 13 May 2013 - 00:16

These are some of the largest, most active clubs:

1. Roslagshallen, 7 courts, in the city.

2. Enskede rackethall, 6 courts, south of town.

3. Wasa club, 5 courts, in the city.


Then there are other clubs around and outside of town, usually with fewer courts.


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