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How to play on a slower court?

Published: 10 May 2013 - 07:06 by yahya.azeem

Updated: 27 May 2013 - 08:01

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 Hey Everyone, 

i just moved from Pakistan to Sweden. In pakistan, where i played, the courts were fast and great. The ball would carry eaily to the back and you could pick it off after it hit the back wall. This rallies were longer and it wasn't easy to hit winners. 
However its not the same here. Either the front wall takes significant pace off the wall or it just dies in the back which forces me either to not be able to pick the ball up or hit too many loose boasts.
Does anyone have an idea how to adjust to this change? Would love your thoughts!
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From rippa rit - 27 May 2013 - 08:01

The tips given are all great ideas. 

I found playing in a hot climate was less effort as the ball seemed to give so much; the colder climate makes the ball dead.  In between rallies feel the ball and if it is not hot you have to adopt a few changes, ie

  • aim higher on the front wall,
  • move into the ball as it does not bounce through but sort of sits and looks at you;
  • for touch shots be sure to hit through the ball
  • get under the ball for drops to get the extra lift.
  • be patient, hit tight

It will take a while to adjust to a slower court too. 

Good luck and let us know how you go.

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From vanleeuwen - 26 May 2013 - 10:16

 As someone who has been playing for several years on probably over 20 different courts more when I played in a lot of tournements....   Squash courts are squash courts.   Why don't you use a single yellow ball?  Most pro's don't play with a double yellow dot anymore anyways.  The single yellow dot makes it harder to kill the ball, will give you a better work out.  And if you switch back to a double yellow ball later your kill shots will be that much better because it's harder to nick the single yellow balls.  Use the correct ball for the court and it will feel the same as it did in Pakistan.

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From vanleeuwen - 20 May 2013 - 19:23

How damp the air is makes a big deal as well.   If the air is dry balls typically nick more and won't bounce as much.  I think humidity has more effect then temperature actually.  Also try using new balls on deader courts and throw the ball out after about 3 hours of use.   A squash ball will deaden a lot in the first hour of play....  This is why mosts pros on the psa typically don't go for shots in the first 15 minuites of the game.  The ball is brand new and too bouncy that early into the match.  This has nothing to do with fittness as these guys are pro athletes.

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From raystrach - 15 May 2013 - 21:06

hi yahya

although different courts can make a big difference the biggest difference will be the air temperature.

you need to hit the ball a lot higher on the front wall to get length.

you also need to volley more,especially with volley drops as the ball dies a lot more at thre front.

you also need to get down to the ball a lot more as the bounce is not as high as the ball is often a lot lower when you get ot it.


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From sloejp - 14 May 2013 - 20:04

 how long have you been in sweden? have you played at a few clubs and found all the courts to be slow? or are you basing your comments on experience at only one court? it may simply be a matter of stringing your racket at a lower tension to get more power and playing a more aggressive game.

i find that each club plays differently. weather will also make a big difference. the ball will slow down alot in cooler climates.


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  Racquet up and back - helped make reactions much quicker. I could cut the balls off much earlier on the drives down the walls.  

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