String selection
Published: 28 Mar 2013 - 19:18 by _iso9001_
Updated: 29 Mar 2013 - 16:20
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Dear All,
I live in Ankara, Turkey in which unfortunately squash is not appreciated much :(
I have started playing squash as a hobby but I definitely loved the game. At first, I thought I should not spend much money in case I do not like the game and bought a moderate/cheap racket (brand: artengo) but as the time passed I loved the game more and more and now I think it is time for me to buy better equipment after 1 year.
First, I purhcased Prince Airstick 130 due to quality, prince and Ramy of course after spending many hours on the Internet. While reading reviews about the racket, I saw that many people complained about the default string and most of them switched to other brands (mostly to Tecnifibre 305).
Now, I want to change the string. Since squash is not widely known in my country, I don't have the chance to try out every brand. After reading many posts and reviews, I saw that TF 305 (green), TF X-One Biphase (red) and Ashaway Ultranick (blue).
I need help for choosing the right string. I cant say I am a power player or control. I am just playing for fun and twice a week. I am scared of breaking the string because people generally complain that the strings break after some short playing time. What should I do?
I have ordered TF 305 1.10 (green). I wanted to try Ashaway Ultranick first but I cannot find the item here in Ankara. There is also TF X-One 1.18 (red) but I can't distinguish the differences. I told the guy to use TF 305 1.10 with tension 24 but I am not sure about it. What do you suggest? Should I go with X-One? Should I change the tension? If I should go with X-One, which tension should I use?
Urgent help is required :(
Thank you for your time,

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From _iso9001_ - 29 Mar 2013 - 05:36 - Updated: 29 Mar 2013 - 16:20
From MasZakrY - 29 Mar 2013 - 05:17
One person's 26lbs is another's 23lbs. If a stringer uses flying clamps vs fixed clamps on the same machine, you're looking at 3lbs difference. Dropweight vs manual crank vs constant pull linear electric will all provide differing results. Just keep that in mind when somebody on the forum says "try 25.5lbs", know what machine setup is referenced.
For ultranick you really do need to string 10-20% looser. I've experienced this as a costly mistake myself. Feel wise..if you are used to Supernick, Ultranick will feel like bubblegum in comparison, it has a completely different feel; extremely smooth. X-one is a great string but it doesn't last, infact while it is fraying you are losing tension and power... Every fibre broken is that much less power you are able to produce. Ultranick lasts seemingly forever in comparison and was my preference between the two.
If you can wait, the Asics Gel Blast 5's are set to arrive in June apparently :)
From _iso9001_ - 29 Mar 2013 - 01:54
Hi Demo,
I talked to my stringer as you suggested and she told me the X-One I saw was for tennis. She told me they only have 305 1.10 and 1.20, so I decided I should go with 1.10. If it breaks (she told me it wouldn't break so easily), I can switch to X-One or Ultranick-18 (I would probably go with Ashaway this time).
As for the tension, I asked her to make it 26.5 but she told me that would make the string very tight and offered me 25.5. I said O.K. and now she is stringing. Hopefully I would be playing for the first time with my new racket and string on Saturday.
I will deliver my experiences with my new set. I sincerely thank you four your patience.
There is one more question I have; I want to buy a new pair of shoes? I am planning to buy Asics Gel Rocket-6. Is it a good shoe or do you suggest something else?
- ismet
From Demo - 29 Mar 2013 - 01:22
HI iso9001,
TF X-One is normally more expensive, but just as an indication, many more pros play with 305 than they do with X-One, so you can't go wrong either way.
If you want an absolute suggestion, I think you'll be happy with 305 1.2mm at 26-27lbs. See what the stringer says, based on his experience with his stringing machine, he can guide you better in terms of the tension. FYI, James Willstrop uses 1.2mm on his Prince racket at 29lbs. You wouldn't need that high tension though.
Happy squashing.
From _iso9001_ - 29 Mar 2013 - 00:06
Hi Demo,
Thank you very much for detailed explanations.
I have ordered the guy in the shop to use TF 1.10 but I believe they have not started to string the racket yet. Therefore, I believe I still have some little time to change my opinion.
I have been reading almost every post about strings. I wish I had the chance to buy Ashaway but that is not an option for me. I have three options:
1. TF 305 1.10
2. TF 305 1.20
3. TF X-One 1.18
I told the guy to use 1.10 with tension 24 but I believe that is a low tension and I should go higher. If I am not late, which string/tension combination do you suggest? Is 1.10 with 28 O.K. or shoud I go with 1.18?
Thanks again, looking forward to your reply.
- Ismet
From Demo - 28 Mar 2013 - 23:50 - Updated: 28 Mar 2013 - 23:55
Hi iso9001,
I have a few suggestions to point you in the right direction.
In general, based on your recreational playing, I would say that any Tecnifibre or Ashaway string will be more than adequate. Both make terrific strings and it really comes down to personal preference. I'd say over 95% of pro players use one or the other. For your purposes, it will come down to availability, and cost (Tecnifibre strings, depending on the location, can cost a bit more than Ashaway).
What's more important for you seems to be strings that won't break too quickly. If that is the case, you'd be better off buying an 18gauge or 17 gauge string. 19 gauge string, such as the TF 305 1.1mm or the Ashaway Powernick 19 (black) will, due to being thinner, be quicker to break. As someone who has followed string discussions over the years, those two in particular are known for quick breakages (TF 305 1.1mm for bad batches and PN19 out of personal experience).
I suggest you look at whatever's available and cheaper between: TF 305 1.2mm, Ashaway Powernick 18, Ultranick 18 or 17, Supernick (various, but not the Micro). If you can find TF X-One 1.18 for cheap, then by all means go for it, but it probably costs more than TF 305 1.2mm.
One final note is that Ashaway's Zyex strings tend to hold tension longer, so if you don't play often, and don't want to restring often, Powernick or Ultranick may last longer before losing tension.
Since you have already ordered 305 1.1mm, don't despair. They are great strings, and may just last you awhile if you don't play often! AS for tension, stringing at 26lbs should be OK for you. That falls around the middle of people's preferences. If Powernick or Ultranick, maybe a tad less, like 24-25.
Cheers and good luck,
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Thank you very much for yout time.
As I mentioned before, it is impossible for me to find various alternative in my homeland. I talked to the stringer today and she told me they only have TF 305 1.10 and 1.20. Therefore I had to go with one of them and I selected 1.10
As for tension, we use KG insted of lbs in Turkey. When I asked the stringer to string the racket 26.5lbs, which is 12KG, she told me that it would be too tight. she said she was doing this for 3 years and she would use something around 11.5 kg (around 25.5lbs). I do not know what type of equipments they use and I do not know what kind of knowledge they have. I believe they are doing this because not many companies fo it :( They actually do not know principles of stringing because one of the guys told me that they were using the average value of the tension offered by the manufacturer.
I am planning to buy Ashaway Ultranick 1.15 (blue) if this one breaks. Since I am not a big-time hitter, I think this string (305 green) may last 6 months at least.
I have checked new Asics, however, most probably I will not be able to find it here in Turkey :(
Kind Regards,
- ismet
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