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Technifibre CarboFlex 130 or 140

Published: 01 Mar 2013 - 21:59 by Markymark36

Updated: 25 Mar 2013 - 10:14

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 I'm looking to upgrade my racquet, and after carrying out a LOT of research, I've narrowed it down to the two above Technifibre racquets.  Can anyone offer me some impartial feedback about their personal experience with this racquet and even the pro's and cons of each one?

I started off with a Dunlop Graphite 500 and then advance onto a prince 03 silver but both of these don't seem quite right for me; I want the next racquet I buy to be the one!



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From MasZakrY - 25 Mar 2013 - 10:14

 Sloejp, I've played with the new 2012 and old 2011 carboflex models and found the new version to feel more hollow.  It may have less vibration but it also feels 'cheaper'.  I dont know if the cheaper release price of the racquet has any correlation to this but it would make sense.  The old model felt like a solid wooden bat and the fingernail tap test proved to give a solid feeling.  

There seems to be a push towards stiffer and stiffer frames (just look at the stiffness ratings of BK racquets!) but I like that little bit of flex for more feel.  The same thing really goes for vibration... Harrow are known for having no vibration (JP Spark) and I couldn't get any feel at all from that frame.  In contrast there were quite a few that had terrible vibration so striking a balance is paramount.

I'll likely stick with either the Aerogel Pro Gt or get an older Carboflex 130 to try out.  I'm hopeful to find a worthwhile improvement when making the switch without sacrificing any touch/feel.

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From sloejp - 13 Mar 2013 - 17:27

 multiaxal is the latest version of the carboflex series. this is what i described in my original post.

older carboflex models will be cheaper, but i find that the frame is more flexible and tends to vibrate too much.

if you don't have the chance to hit with either, i would recommend the multiaxal.

as for the balance, it should be listed in the racket's specs. it's best to test a racket out and get a sense for how the balance in the head feels.

another racket i would recommend is the head anion2 135, which is head light, very powerful and stable. one con is the frame has a wide beam and can feel a little clunky. still, i'm thinking of buying one next month.

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From Markymark36 - 02 Mar 2013 - 19:41   -   Updated: 02 Mar 2013 - 19:43

Thanks for your advice; it's been very helpful. So I can make the comparison with my current racquet- can you advise me how to tell if it's head heavy. Would you balance it on your finger in the middle like a see-saw and see which way it goes?

Also, I've seen a more expensive Carboflex 130 Multiaxal. I can't tell what the difference is between the two. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance



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From sloejp - 02 Mar 2013 - 13:24

both are very good rackets.

the latest carboflex range is a little bit stiffer than previous carboflex models and also less vibration in the frame than previous models.

you will get a lot of power from these rackets, but still have decent control over your shots, which makes carboflex popluar as an all around racket that's faily easy to play with. the frames are also durable, so you don't have to worry too much about breakage

if you prefer a racket that is very head light, or if you want to maximise control, then carboflex may not be the racket for you.

if you like mid balanced to slightly head heavy, then carboflex may be a good choice.

the 130 and 140 will play basically the same. if you want a little extra power, go for the 140. if you want something a little quicker to swing, then go for the 130

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