Squash Racket - Similar Airstick 130
Published: 07 Feb 2013 - 00:06 by superticom
Updated: 09 Feb 2013 - 01:17
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I use yo play with the prince airstick 130, but it will no longer be sold in my country ... could someone tell me a similar racket?

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From Demo - 09 Feb 2013 - 01:16 - Updated: 09 Feb 2013 - 01:17
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Hi superticom!
Is there no way for you to order that racket online? I have never tried that racket, but I asked Ramy about it at the Cambridge Cup, He has struggled to find something that is equivalent to that racket, even as he was sponsored by Head and Dunlop. That is why he is back with the Airstick. Then again, Ramy is Ramy, and he's extremely particular about his rackets, which to him should feel like an extension of his arm, so take that as you may.
I guess for you the only alternative is to demo rackets, you may even find something you like better.
And who knows, in North America at least, Prince had stopped distribution due to bankruptcy, but the operating assets were acquired and everything is currently undergoing a corporate reorganization, so we're likely to see Prince rackets once again here.
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