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Reverse angle

Published: 19 May 2005 - 02:30 by vitty

Updated: 19 May 2005 - 14:59

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Hi everybody,
please consider this situation: my opponent is behind me,for example in left back corner.I am standing on the T and I execute reverse angle shot - the ball goes first to the left side wall,low,and then hits front wall in the right corner just about the tin.Then my opponent hasn´t direct way to the ball,because I´m standing in his path.It is "crowding" ? Have I to stride to the right side ? Or can I stay on the T ? It´s let,stroke..? Thanks, vitty squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 19 May 2005 - 14:59

Vitty - you posed a good question. I must add to Ray's reply - if Slavi ever becomes a coach he will have a racket in one hand and a whip in the other by the sounds of it! A reverse boast is an ok shot but it MUST be done at the right time, which also means not very often.

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From raystrach - 19 May 2005 - 11:26

hi vitty et al

the reverse boast or reverse angle shot that you describe can create a number of scenarios. the thing is, the reverse boast often spends a long time in the air which can give you time to return it easily. consider the following:
  • if it is as you describe, the opponent should have enough room to reach the ball without "interference" (see rules) in any case, the opponent is totally out of position and would find it difficult to get any shot , however
  • in my experience, this shot is usualy played when the striker is closer to the front wall and the opponent is on or near the T. in this case the ball often comes back or close to the striker. this could lead to a let or stroke
  • sometimes the opponent is, say, moving to the left in anticipation of a cross court shot, but when the reverse boast is hit, they must run to the right instead. in this process you may run into the striker. this is called "created interference" and so there is no let, even if the opponent could have reached the ball. (if the opponent went in the right direction in the first place there would have been no interference, so no let)
  • you will find the striker usually gives off heaps of cues when hitting the reverse boast - look out for them and you will return the ball easily and probably hit a winner - that will stop them from playing he shot!

i hope this helps - let me know!

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From vitty - 19 May 2005 - 05:11

Slavi,I´m not playing this...This is played against ME by one of my mates.We argue after this shot everytime.I´m saying that´s a let,and my opponent says no let.So that´s why I asked about it.
I agree,it´s a ugly shot.Dropshot is the answer,I think.But this shot can by played by someone,so I posted this.

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From drop-shot - 19 May 2005 - 04:05

Hi there. I am sure Rita and Ray will answer in more details. I will try to answer the way I understand it. First of all, the game you play is the one I hate the most :-) I mean the reverse angle tickle boast. Second of all, I do not believe that everytime it goes to the right corner tin :-) and Finally - what is your opponent doing in the left back corner??? OK< jokes out. If your boast is precise enough, goes to the nick and hits the floor, then your opponent has no chance to get it and it is clearly your point, no crowding. but if it is not precise enough I would fish for let if I am your opponent. For sure it is NOT A STROKE. And I really think that you should start to play squash, not boast. Take care, I run to my wife...

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great advice from everyone, thanks a million

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