Foot in the service box
Published: 12 Dec 2012 - 17:58 by Markymark36
Updated: 17 Dec 2012 - 09:53
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Am I right to believe that when serving, you should have (at least) one foot in the service box, which cannot be touching any of the lines and the other foot also not touching any SB lines.
I was playing an opponent who was very slack with this and has his feet half way in the box touching lines, but I wasn't completely sure of the rule, so didn't pull him up over it.
Is there an advantage to playing this way if going unoticed?

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From mike - 17 Dec 2012 - 09:53
From Markymark36 - 15 Dec 2012 - 01:12
What would be the correct etiquet when playing someone who is foot faulting? Should you alert them before or after they serve? and claim a stroke, or do you just inform them and allow them to adjust their footing and allow them to re-serve?
From mike - 13 Dec 2012 - 12:35 - Updated: 13 Dec 2012 - 12:39
One foot can go anywhere (inside, outside, on lines, in the air).
And "all of part of one foot" must be grounded, inside the box and not touching any lines.
"all of part of one foot" sounds confusing. It means it's okay to have your heel raised off the floor, but the part of the foot that is grounded must be inside the box without touching any lines.
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It's a bit tricky if you are reffing yourselves. It could seem you are just trying to grap a cheap point.
Might be better to mention it casually between games.
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