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Published: 23 Nov 2012 - 20:08 by M.Umer

Updated: 04 Dec 2012 - 22:46

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please sugest me that which racquet is good for a hard hitter ang aggressive player

1.blackknight ion x-force black

2.head cayno115

3.blackknight ion storm 

please give me a quick reply 


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From SportsTrade - 04 Dec 2012 - 22:46

Either of the Black Knight racquets would be my recommendation.  As a hard hitter I would suggest the Cyano would  be too light and probably lack the control you want.  For me the Cyano is more of a touch player's racquet.  The smaller head size of the BK racquets will bring more accuracy to your game but with enough power to play to your strengths.  The powernick strings in the Ion Storm wins it by a nose for me.


SportsTrade Ltd

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Excuse my sentimental mood,but that´s the way I feel it. Your work makes a sense.

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