Topspin in squash
Published: 14 Nov 2012 - 21:20 by tomdenners
Updated: 17 Nov 2012 - 08:48
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I'd never used it before, but have heard from other players and on forums that topsin can add another element to your game for advanced players.
I was wondering if the community can advise on how and when to use topsin effectively in a match.
I've started working on a topsin drop that looks amazing when it comes off, but is not what I would call a percentage shot. I'm struggling to see why it's more effective than a sliced drop. Is it only because of the deception created by the racket swing.
Can you use topspin effectively with drives?
What about topsin lobs?
I'm in need of answers!!

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From raystrach - 15 Nov 2012 - 15:00 - Updated: 17 Nov 2012 - 08:48
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hi tom
last, first...
the only reason why a topspin is used in tennis is to draw the ball into court. a squash ball does not have the same aerodynamics so it would be useless.
the area where topspin on a ball may be useful (beside the deceptive nature of the actual shot) is when it bounces or hits a wall. for example:
try hitting a heavily topspun drive from the back of the court, then try hitting a heavily underspun shot from the same spot
the two have a different bounce dynamic both off the floor and the walls. if you hit both accurately, it could create a different "look" for the opponent when they are not expecting it.
this bounce dynamic could be in play with topsin drops, but you need to be skillful to play them.
if you are skillful enough you can do just about anything with a squash ball and racket and this can help with deception and variety.
but for the spin itself, it is the fact that a squash ball has a lot of "grab" when it hits a surface that can make a difference
also, a skilful player can disguise a number of alterntaive shots when using topspin.
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