Looking for a couple of racquet recommendations
Published: 22 Oct 2012 - 08:58 by james
Updated: 15 Nov 2012 - 11:31
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Hi all,
I'm looking for a couple of racquet recommendations for my girlfriend and I. I have played sporadically in the past, and have started playing regularly (2-3 times a week) for the past few months.
We're both using Dunlop G Force 20's at the moment.
I'm looking at the Prince Exo3 Hybrid Red & Blue models. I'm 6ft and about 12stone so am after something that would suit my build. What are the main difference between these two racquets other than the weight? Can anyone suggest something that might be better?
My girlfriend has been playing for 2 or 3 months now, and I'm a bit lost at what type of racquet to go for. She currently struggles with generating enough power, particularly when serving (which I believe is down to our current racquets).
Suggestions are much appreciated :)

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From gbatterh - 15 Nov 2012 - 11:31
From sloejp - 22 Oct 2012 - 18:36
if your gf is looking for a powerful racket, i recommend a teardrop shape. technefibre carboflex, head anion, wilson 135, black knight cannon would be good choices. head is a lot of power.
if you insist on playing with prince, i would go for the hybrid blue. i think the red will just be too heavy. since you'll probably have little problem generating power, a dunlop evolution, dunlop pro gt-x or black knight x-force might be nice.
if you can, try before you buy.
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I would recommend the vision 110 from dunlop, it is a great value and a hidden gem within the Dunlop line. Great power, very forgiving. I agreen with sloejp with regards to the prince. The BK ion cannon ps is great racquet also. Teardrop frame and a great sweetspot that extends to the top head of the racquet. Great for down the line drives.
Hope this helps.
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