Stress fracture prevention
Published: 16 Sep 2012 - 08:45 by bharath
Updated: 20 Sep 2012 - 07:26
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I recently developed a stress fracture on my right foot MT5. The doctor said the probably reason for it could be my higher than average arch in my foot. I am currently using the hi-tech m550 shoes. I was wondering if any one of the other players used any additional padding or specific insoles to absorb additional shock to prevent this injury again in the future.

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From rippa rit - 20 Sep 2012 - 07:26
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A few thoughts flashed through my mind when I read your quandry. Feet aree so important for life.
My thoughts: how old are you;have you suddenly increased your training program;is your calcium level within the recommended range;have you sought the advice of a Sports Podiatrist?
There has been a lot of discussion in the forum previously about feet, shoes, etc so that might be worth a read.
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