Re-stringing urgent query
Published: 14 Sep 2012 - 20:17 by BlackFox
Updated: 15 Sep 2012 - 10:05
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Hi Everybody!
I am looking for your help. I have a very old Slazenger racket that needs new strings (as of yesterday- two strings gave up). I found a place to restring it but as much as I love playing squash I just don't know anything about the strings. I know it depends what you like but I hoped you could help me decide which string I should choose. The shop offered Prince synthetic white string OR Ashaway Supernick xl tecnifibre strings.
I heard of the Ashaways Supernick with regard to squash but the Prince one seems to be specific for Tennis... HELP! I need to restring it tomorrow.
Best regards!

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From raystrach - 15 Sep 2012 - 10:05
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although you do not mention string gauges, i would go with the ashaway supernick (better performance) although the prince synthetic will probably last longer.
if it is a really old racket (how old - what type of contruction?) it may not make that much of a difference.
the stringer should be able to advise in any case.
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