The server's second serve?
Published: 16 Aug 2012 - 23:38 by scooby240
Updated: 17 Aug 2012 - 08:47
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Can you please help? I am based in the UK and have tirelessly searched on the web for an answer but have not found one.
I have returned to squash after a break of a few years and recall that with the old english rules; i recall that the server had 2 serves incase he/she messed the first one up! (a little bit like tennis)
I don't know whether that was a proper rule - that we played in the 1980's.
I am now learning the new 'par to point rally rule' and wonder if there is a second serve or is it just one serve and if it's messed the serve and point goes to the opponent.
Many Thanks, Scooby

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From rippa rit - 17 Aug 2012 - 08:47
From mike - 17 Aug 2012 - 00:16
Just one serve. The rule changed to a single serve years ago, before I started playing, so I don't know when exactly.
Yes, the opponent gets the point and the serve (in PAR) if the serve is a fault.
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PARS is nothing to do with rules. It is a playing format, of which there can be several depending on the tournament or compeitions, eg timed squash, handicapped squash.
Two serves has been gone as Mike said, for years, with reasons players were taking advantage of the two serve rule especially when they were getting tired and needing a break. This squashgame link might be helpful.
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