Dunlop Biomimetic pro gt-x 130 vs. 140
Published: 01 Aug 2012 - 23:37 by aqtor
Updated: 22 Nov 2012 - 02:07
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Has anyone experience with these two rackets or had a chance to test both?
I am really interested in the Dunlop Biomimetic pro gt-x 140 as I hope it is a bit more head light like the older aerogel pro gt. Can anyone confirm, that the feeling is similar to that racket?
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From aqtor - 22 Nov 2012 - 02:07
From gbatterh - 16 Nov 2012 - 13:56 - Updated: 16 Nov 2012 - 13:58
Hi Aqtor,
I personally prefer the GT-X 130 strictly based on the weight. Anything above 140 grams is too slugish for me. That being said if you have a long powerful stroke the GTX-140 could be a great complement.
Hope this helps,
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Thanks for your reply!
i play a lot with the wrist. In that case you would recomment the gtx 130?
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