Nth American Open, Richmond, Virginia
Published: 20 Feb 2012 - 16:24 by rippa rit
Updated: 20 Nov 2020 - 00:24
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Squash Australia reports :
New South Welshman Matthew Karwalski and Queensland’s Zac Alexander reached the main draw of the North American Open world series squash tournament in Richmond, Virginia after winning their final qualifying matches on Sunday.
Matthew said time spent training with recently retired Australian great David Palmer in Orlando had helped his game enormously.
“I am very grateful to David for his advice, support and guidance,” Karwalski said.
“He has given me tremendous help to prepare for this tournament, working on fitness, tactics and mental preparation.
“In the past I may have lost concentration when something has gone against me and lost a string of points in quick succession, but David has helped me to become mentally stronger.”

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From rippa rit - 23 Feb 2012 - 12:01
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Egyptian pair Ramy Ashour and Karim Darwish advance to the third round of the North American Open squash tournament in Richmond, Virginia.
Cameron Pilley and Zac Alexander fought hard against Ashour and Darwish and nevertheless were defeated in three games.
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