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playing conditions

Published: 02 Feb 2012 - 03:37 by adrianmaher

Updated: 05 Feb 2012 - 08:21

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we have recently refurbished two old squash courts. however the heating system needs to be upgraded and i'm looking for infomation on the ideal temperature needed to play squash and ideal heating systems for the building. we are a small club with two courts, two changing rooms and a small meeting room... 

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From rippa rit - 05 Feb 2012 - 08:21

Yeah playing conditions including temperature is something players have to adjust their game to suit.

Obviously you are in a cold country?  We in Australia do not have airconditioning and there is a huge variance in temperature from day to night, winter to summer, wet to dry weather (humidity).  If it is too hot the ball flies around the court sometimes making shots hard to control; if it is too cold the ball will not bounce, and seems to stick to the racket strings, and it can be difficult to get good length, etc.

My sugfgestion might sound silly, however I would adjust your settings so you are cool but not frozen, warm but not overheating, and this will probably vary from day to night time, winter to summer, and also will depend on the number of persons in the building, the amount of heat generated, etc.

Hope this helps.

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