Trouble returning powerful serves
Published: 30 Jan 2012 - 15:25 by hhhhdmt
Updated: 05 Feb 2012 - 08:09
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I have been playing for about two months and i can hit my groundstrokes with quite alot of power. I am playing against players who are alot more experienced than me. I can dominate them when we play long rallies.
But i am having a very tough time returning serve. They serve very hard and i am forced to volley it. Once in a while i can hit a volley winner on the return but usually i end up with a weak return and they punish me with a powerful shot. It's getting frustating because i do know when we play really long rallies, i usually win. But this service return is messing up my game. Any tips?

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From rippa rit - 05 Feb 2012 - 08:08 - Updated: 05 Feb 2012 - 08:09
From hhhhdmt - 31 Jan 2012 - 03:03
yeah lol i am obviously talking about squash. I meant to say that i can hit my forehand and backhand with good power. Thanks for the tips
From sloejp - 30 Jan 2012 - 19:30
groundstrokes? we're talking about squash and not tennis, right?
volleying to return a serve is not a problem. in fact, it is the norm. the problem is where you place your return. don't worry about hitting outright winners, because in squash that doesn't work very often.
instead, focus on getting your return deep. so either aim straight down the side wall with the first bounce close to the back corner or go for a cross court volley with good width so the ball lands close to the opposite back corner.
basically, practice volleying. improve your control, take the sting out of the hard serve and use that energy to push your opponent into the back corners.
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