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Injury and returjn to squash

Published: 05 Dec 2011 - 16:48 by leithal

Updated: 12 Dec 2011 - 18:06

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Looking for advice on getting back into squash after shoulder reconstruction(12 months) and knee bone injury (impact with bone marrow bleeding-3 months)- Has anyone out there had an extended time off with injury and what did you learn/discover during your return back into squash?

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From sloejp - 12 Dec 2011 - 18:06

agreed. i had hamstring, adductor and wrist problems that kept me off the court for a while. i found a good physio. the advice and exercises they give you are worth their weight in gold. it's worth going slow at the outset.

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From rippa rit - 06 Dec 2011 - 17:38

Firstly, I would get fit to play squash.

I would be going to a physio and making sure all the muscles in the shoulder and knee are strong enough for the load, and also flexible enough for the quick movements.  Then looking at the gym for assessment and specific gym exercises ..

If you have done the above, just start with a few casual games and gradually build up without overdoing it.  Volleying is hard on the shoulder and overhead strength is important.

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