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Can you replace plastic part UNDER the grip?

Published: 19 Nov 2011 - 19:28 by brainii

Updated: 23 Nov 2011 - 22:21

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Hi, I have a Head liquid metal 125 and the grip is too thick at the verry bottom part of the racquet.

This is partly due to the wide base of thr racquet but also due to the plastic cover under the grip.

Can I just remove the plastic cover?

It's being held on to the racquet with a couple of staples but I'm afraid to remove it in case I damage the racquet and also don't know if the bottom will have a hole after the cover being removed.


Anybody done anything like this before?


Thanks a lot!


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From hamburglar - 20 Nov 2011 - 04:18   -   Updated: 23 Nov 2011 - 22:21

yes, you can, but it's there to help the racquet from slipping from your hand. The butt cap is removable, in some racquets you can insert various butt ends with different weights, but the Head racquets are just a piece of plastic. Not sure what you put in there to replace it, otherwise you'll lose a half inch or inch of racquet length.

Also keep in mind that many players grip the racquet high up near the top of the grip for better control and head speed.

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