Recommended Squash Stringers
Published: 26 Oct 2011 - 21:02 by tomdenners
Updated: 12 Jan 2012 - 23:18
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Dear all,
I've been back and forth over the internet trying to locate a good stringer in the London area, with limited success. I'm looking for recommendations from everyone, irrespective of region (or country!)
I thought it could follow along the lines of Adz' excellent One Stop String Shop thread and provide a resource for anyone with problems similar to myself.
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From tomdenners - 12 Jan 2012 - 23:18 - Updated: 12 Jan 2012 - 23:18
From Adz - 16 Dec 2011 - 00:33
Ha ha..... I'm glad I inspired the post
Can I cheat and recommend myself ??
Stringer: Adz (private)
Location: South Wales (SA10 /11)
Rough date: Last strung my own rackets in mid-Sept 2011
Drop off / Pick up or Collection/Delivery?: Both depending on convenience
Strings: Ashaway Powernick 19s
Full Price: £15-17
Comments: Stringing is a difficult science. Anyone can stick strings in a racket. That's the easy bit. The difficult bit is getting the right type of strings to match the player, then to get the right tensions whilst providing a consistently high quality service for a good price. I know poor stringers who charge high prices but also worse stringers who charge low prices. Find someone that comes recommended and knows what they're talking about. Ask what the stringer recommends and if they don't ask you about your game style, how often you break strings, your price range etc then you wont be getting the best job to suit you! The best stringers will ask you for a ton of information and then give you more than one choice (and price range!) to suit your needs. There is ALWAYS more than one string type and brand to suit a players needs, and they should be able to tell you lots about the features of the strings they recommend. As a price guide most stringers will charge between £6 and £15 LABOUR. Add to that the cost of the string to get your final price. I tend to charge £8-10 labour, but I shop around to save on the cost of string meaning most string jobs range from £12 to £17. A racket will generally take me 25mins to complete but turnaround time depends on if I have the string in stock or have to wait for a delivery from my suppliers.
From tomdenners - 26 Oct 2011 - 23:10
I'll kick off with a review:-
Stringer: Intersport (shop)
Location: Herne Hill, London (SE24)
Rough date: April 2011
Drop off / Pick up or Collection/Delivery?: Drop off / Pick up
Strings: Powernick 18 (red) @ 26lbs
Full Price: £25
Comments: Limited selection of strings available, have had no issues with the quality of the stringing though.
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Stringer: Sweatband (shop)
Location: Oxford Circus (near New Cavendish Street), London
Rough date: Jan 2012
Drop off / Pick up or Collection/Delivery?: Drop off / Pick up
Strings: Powernick 19 (black) @ 28lbs
Full Price: £25 (£14.99 for the string, £10 for the labour)
Comments: Very extensive knowledge of strings and rackets (I was there for an hour helping my friend choose and test his new racket). The string job appears to be excellent and the PN 19's feel fantastic. So much spin.
Definitely worth checking out.
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