Help! Over rotation
Published: 21 Sep 2011 - 18:59 by tomdenners
Updated: 26 Sep 2011 - 19:52
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This doesn't normally happen to me and I don't know why it's started.
I'm pulling a lot of my shots on the forehand and the racket is twisting in my hand.
I can't think of anything I'm doing differently and it's happening at different stages in the point, though usually when I'm in control at the T looking to hit a straight drive.
Any advice? I'm a bit worried!

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From tomdenners - 26 Sep 2011 - 19:52
From rippa rit - 23 Sep 2011 - 21:59
It sounds as though the grip is too small. Go to the squashgame library and check out the grip, and grip size for your size hand and compare.
From hamburglar - 23 Sep 2011 - 20:05
hard to know without actually seeing you, but it sounds like you might have a jerky or abrupt swing that throws off your swing and keeps you from hitting the sweet spot on the strings. Most likely a technique issue
Maybe slow down your swing a bit, you may have to shorten the backswing or anticipate earlier so you start your swing sooner. If you're just hitting straight you shouldn't need to disguise it with a whippy swing.
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Thanks Rita, problem solved. Have got a chunky overgrip now and everything is going swimminlgy now!
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