Yet another racket suggestion thread.
Published: 16 Sep 2011 - 06:59 by pandaking
Updated: 19 Sep 2011 - 09:50
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I am an intermediate/beginner, and after playing twice a week for the last few months have managed to lose my racket. My previous racket was an old "Head Ti 120 PoweZone" which seemed to suit me fine
After looking online I've found these possible replacements:
Wilson Zonar BLX - £60
Dunlop AeroGel 4D Elite - £55
Head 140 CT Tour - £50
Dunlop AeroGel 4D Max - £45
I know these are not high end cutting edge rackets, but I don't want to spend more than £70 as I am still fairly new to the game. If it makes a difference I am tall (6ft 6"), and I will not be re-stringing either.
Very grateful if anyone has opinions on these. At the moment I'll probably get the head one, as I assume it will be fairly similar to my old racket and it's cheap. I don't mind paying extra if it is worth it however.
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From pandaking - 19 Sep 2011 - 09:50 - Updated: 19 Sep 2011 - 09:50
From barnhead - 17 Sep 2011 - 01:16
Good to see you're not thinking of going for some crazy expensive racket. You can easily pick up something good for 50-60 quid. Especially if it is a model that is a few years old. If I was you I'd try and find a racket that suits your game and stick with it. I play with a hotmelt pro and managed to get a second hand one recently for 8quid that plays just like the ones I bought for 80pounds only a few years ago. Have you thought about getting some demo rackets sent out to you to have a hit with? A lot of racket companies do this nowadays. If you are not going to restring, have you thought about looking at technifibre rackets? They come strung with technifibre strings which are really nice and the older models are well priced and easy to get hold off and come in a similar weight to the head racket you have been using.
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Hi Barnhead,
Thanks for the response. I will look into the demo option. I guess I can always get in re-strung, it just seems at my level the racket or the strings are not the main issue with my gameplay. And if in a few months time I think perhaps new strings might help then I can get it restrung then.
You don't happen to have any good links for UK shops that do demo rackets/have the older models? As you say, I see no need in having the latest greatest, just looking for a solid racket that will serve me well.
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