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Men's World Teams, Quarter finals

Published: 25 Aug 2011 - 09:46 by rippa rit

Updated: 25 Aug 2011 - 09:46

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India next up as Aussies reach quarter-finals,

Squash Aust media release

Australia moved into the quarter-finals of the Men’s World Teams Squash Championship in the German city of Paderborn when they overcame a determined Netherlands on Wednesday.

With their three top players in action for the first time this tournament, the Australians progressed to a quarter-final showdown against India after beating their Dutch opponents 2/1.

Canberra’s Stewart Boswell got the tie off to a good start when he downed Bart Ravelli 11-2, 11-6, 11-3 before David Palmer was beaten by Australian Open quarter-finalist Laurens Jan Anjema.

Palmer won the first game before Anjema stormed home to take the rubber 10-12, 11-4, 11-3, 11-8.

However, Yamba’s Cameron Pilley, who is now based in the Netherlands, ensured Australia’s place in the last eight when he beat training partner Piedro Schweertman 11-5, 11-2, 11-3.


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Thanks so much Rita! I am headed to the courts now for practice - and am taking this print out

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