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Alternative to the Head Xenon?

Published: 17 Aug 2011 - 07:24 by markus.readus

Updated: 17 Aug 2011 - 07:50

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 Hi All,

My first post! I've spend the last few days reading around on this forum, and there seems to be loads of excellent advice. So I'll ask my questions, any help or advice greatly appreciated!

I'm a reasonable player with a keen eye to improve, and whilst my technique is doing ok, I tend to be a bit hard on rackets. I play around an hour every day, and would expect to go through a frame between 4 and 6 months. I currently use Head Xenon Youtek 135 (the orange one). Its a fantastic racket, quite head heavy which took some getting used to, but it feels amazing on impact. Acurate and absolutely no vibration whatsoever. However, its getting expensive. The last one lasted a month, I took it back as faulty, haven't heard back yet, but I'm not expecting good news. I think I'm going to be in the market for a new racket, hence any wisdom the community has is greatly appreciated. 

I think the Xenon is a little to head heavy for my game, I think I need something more even balanced (not a lot mind, but a bit). I think I'd prefer an bridged throat (not teardrop), and I am willing to up the overall weight of the racket if it adds to its lifespan. But the overall swing should be a bit more head light than the Xenon. I dont want to smash opponents off court, I already hit the ball hard enough. I'm after a control racket that has the power, but has an excellent touch. I'd like something a bit more manueverable than the Xenon for touch volley shots. I like the slightly smaller head sizes (currently 460) for the control.

I've noted Black Knight Magnum rackets, but the only one I seem to be able to find online is the Corona, andI I have reason to believe the strings wouldnt last long. I think the Ion Drive might be too powerful. The Ion Storm is expensive, but I'd go for it if its more durable than the Xenon. I've always avoided Dunlop because every racket i've tried vibrates like crazy, they seem fragile, and expensive (perhaps my perceptions are wrong...). I once had a Tecnifibre Suprem NG 130, great racket, too head light for my game though. I'm considering the Carbonflex Basaltex 130 or 140, though i know they're teardrop throats. Are they durable? This one lasted 6 months to the day. 

So, does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance if you do!





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"great tip Rita"

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