stabil 5 help ;-)
Published: 07 Aug 2011 - 00:38 by MisterE
Updated: 09 Oct 2011 - 23:30
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Hi all, just got back into squash, used to play lots in my 20's because the footwork helped me in other sports. First of all great site and awesome info, been lurking a while. Anyhoots i've bought myself I nice Karakal racket god damn tech has changed, love it. So I thought being older lets look after the feet. Bought a pair of stabil 5 size 9 after reading many reviews (my feet 9 in all shoes and trainers very comfy size for me, and 10 in work boots). Comfy and great ankle support, but they totally destroy my two outer toes on both feet. I get blisters on the knuckles (top of my toes). I've since softened the shoe with some Vaseline and now use a thicker sock and put some on the toes, as its the only way I can play without making them worse. I'm two weeks in and 4 games now. Normally around 1.5hr sessions.
I know everyone's feet are different, but was gutted with these as they feel right but when you dart around the two outer toes seem to get pushed against the shoe wall a lot, even thought there is no slipping or movement in the shoe ie they fit perfect. Last week I took them off after an hour and put my vans not to make the blisters worse. I've played yesterday and today but only with my lad, teaching him, I got a sweat on but not like real play, but even then I feel like they'd destroy my two outer toes again in fast max pace games.
Guess my question is should I persevere with them, or say sod it and dump them. I'm in work boots 5 days a week, my size 9 feet aren't wide, I get no problems elsewhere, the Vans (skate shoe) are great but no ankle support and at 40 I need it lol. Open to any tips or ideas? Also what is the score with buying half size bigger, I was told by a coach not to do that as your own size will stretch. Personally I've never paid more that £35 notes for a dap and you throw it on and away you go, no problems. Christ even back in the day my crappy £10 hi tech squash shoes done a better job - bit gutted and feel like I'm trying to make something work as oppose to saying oooops what a waste of £52.

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From MisterE - 09 Oct 2011 - 23:30 - Updated: 09 Oct 2011 - 23:30
From Adz - 07 Sep 2011 - 22:53
I know this seems like a silly comment, but for future shoe purchases try to work out which EURO shoe size you are. I change my shoes every 4 months and switch from make to make. The latest 4 shoes have been Hi-Tec 701s, Yonex SHB101LTDs, Asics Gel Blast 3s and now the Adidas Stabil Optifits.
What I've noticed is that many of the UK sizes vary tremendously. Some need a 9.5, most a 10 and some a 10.5 for me. What doesn't change is the EURO sizes.... I'm a 44.5. The Adidas ones are a 44 2/3 but they still fit great.
Worth keeping in mind and away you go!
From MisterE - 15 Aug 2011 - 00:01 - Updated: 15 Aug 2011 - 00:01
Took out the insole, that worked, toe box ots better, can't feel them on but wish I bought half size bigger ;-)
From MisterE - 07 Aug 2011 - 19:05
Thanks Rippa will check all those things. Bought them online as nowhere around me sells them. Having another session today, my bilsters are not far off heeled up, so the real test will be in the week when I play the lads. I should have got a 9.5 I think and worse of all they just went on sale for £40 for 9.5. Thanks for your help and ideas will try all of them - really appreciate it ;-)
From rippa rit - 07 Aug 2011 - 10:30 - Updated: 07 Aug 2011 - 10:33
It does sound as though the shoes are too tight. Do your feet stay inside the last of the shoe, even when you raise to your toes? Moving on your toes always puts more pressure on your toes, moving forward in the shoe and cramping up the toes. When buying shoes always wear your squash socks, as just a thicker sock can change the size of the fitting half a size. Are your toes coming right across the seam causing some friction? Just thinking, take out the inner sole and see how the shoe feels, as that will give a bit more room.
I would be keeping the Stabil 5 for casual wear.
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Just bought a pair of optifit £40 half size bigger. Much more comfort no blisters, I think the stabil 5 are stronger, defo should have gone half size bigger with the stabil 5 but I think they'd still have rubbed my feet ;-)
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