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Another *best* racquet for me query

Published: 05 Jul 2011 - 19:13 by e3aa3b

Updated: 06 Jul 2011 - 16:00

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Hello Fellow Squash Enthusiasts,

I am a fairly new squash player (playing for about 4-5 months now, about 4 times a week). I have a Head PCT Evolution racquet currently and looking out for a new racquet. I went through a few relevant threads and interested in following racquets:

- Technifiber carboflex 130/140

- Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate

- Prince O3 Black

I am typically a power player, but definitely looking out for racquets with good control too. From your experience, can you pls provide some comments on these racquets or any other racquet that will be a good upgrade for me?




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From sloejp - 06 Jul 2011 - 16:00

i've played with the carboflex and the ultimate.

if you like power, carboflex will not disappoint. it also has decent control, making it a good all-around racket for players of all levels. the 130 feels a little head heavy. the 140 feels more evenly balanced. the one downside for me was some vibration on off centre hits.

the ultimate didn't suit me. it has more control than the carboflex, but i struggled to get consistent power. i also found the 500cm head a little akward when digging balls out of the back corners. on the plus side, the head light balance makes for a comfortable swing, and i wasn't annoyed by vibration. i got the sense that my game wasn't good enough to get the best out of this racket. hope that helps.

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