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Blackstorm Titanium vs Airo TT Vendetta

Published: 03 Jul 2011 - 20:33 by SamShouts

Updated: 03 Jul 2011 - 20:33

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 Hi All 


The quandry I have is which to choose between Dunlops Blackstorm Titanium and Prince's Airo TT Vendetta.  

They both meet my budget of £50.  I am an intermediate player who is starting to play alot more with a local squash club.  

I am looking for an even balanced, control focused squash racquet, and one that can handle a fewinevitable  knocks against the wall.

It would be great to hear from players who have had experience of either of these racquets, to help me in my choice.  


Thanks in Advance


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....One other good thing is how many different scenarios they show, nice to see the various options in practice

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