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Cheap Squash Racquets

Published: 24 Jun 2011 - 12:28 by TRAK74

Updated: 07 Jul 2011 - 00:21

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 I always get told that people buy cheap squash rackets from overseas (assuming US or UK), anyone know any good websites for them?

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From 19Foster90 - 07 Jul 2011 - 00:21


Good afternoon,
My name is Josh and I work in the marketing team at Sport, we currentlyhave some great offers on site at the moment including:
Today’s Daily Deal: Wilson H120PH Squash Racket ONLY £35.09 using code 10SQUASH
The Wilson Hyper Hammer 120 squash racket features classic Hammer technology & is suitable for players of all skill levels. With a strong construction & a flattened head shape ensure you get maximum power & feel. The Hyper Carbon frame makes this racket very stiff, which adds to its power & an increased sweet spot.
Thanks for your time,

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From somescreename04 - 29 Jun 2011 - 11:52


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From SamBWFC - 28 Jun 2011 - 07:45

 Hi mate,

Not sure where you're from but I'm from the UK and I just buy from normal online retailers. I tend to buy from as they have the best range at the best price.

Hope this helps,


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