Shoes, hallux and holes on insole!
Published: 15 Jun 2011 - 17:11 by brainii
Updated: 31 Mar 2016 - 20:25
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Hi all, I have been using Prince MV-4 shoes for the past year or so. These are great but after a few months the Prince insoles wore out especially on the heel area and under the big toe.
Then I got pain on the knees and shin splits!
I have then replaced the Prince insoles with Sorbothane Double Strike Insoles which were a bit more slippery but helped a lot with cushioning (but again for a few months only).
I now have a hole again on the insoles under the big toe area and started to get pain in the hallux area along with shin splits again.
1) Anybody know a website were you can buy the original Prince MV-4 insoles?
2) Has anybody personally tested any insoles (or squash shoes for that matter) which have extra support for the big toe and heel areas and are realy good as far as cushioning is concerned?
3) Anybody else has the same problem with wearing out insoles in the same spots and what did you do about it?

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From squashking - 31 Mar 2016 - 20:25
From brainii - 24 Jun 2011 - 15:07
Yeah drop-shot, that's exactly what was happening which is too bad cause on the outside, the Prince shoes look brand new (but insoles worn out/slippery and most importantly cushioning lost it's effectiveness too).
I just bought the Adidas stabil 7 yesterday, we'll try them out today, from first looks they feel much lighter.
Had another stabil shoe which I bought back in 2004 which has served me well for almost 4 years!
I'm still keeping the Prince shoes cause they look great, not using for squash though anymore..
From drop-shot - 24 Jun 2011 - 04:18
Hi there Brainii,
Reading your post and understanding your pain I'd advice to NOT BUY "Prince" shoes anymore. Not that they're bad, they're bad for your feet. I'd encourage you to test other brands and focus on heel area. Asics would be a great answer for sure. And you are right about the insole change. In my opinion, it is the same story as regards strings and rackets. It means you can play almost any racket but you need to care for your strings type and tension. For the shoes — any shoe may serve well, but when it is slippery inside (your socks are wet and move inside the shoe — it causes problems)...
All in all — do ot be so fanatic on the brands. Ba passionate on the game and your progress.
all the best.
From brainii - 17 Jun 2011 - 00:23
Thanks for your advice.
A podiatrist (and custom orthotics) will be VERY costly in Cyprus.
I think I will buy new shoes again (they do say you are supposed to change shoes as many times as you play per week, I play 3 times a week and have the same shoes for 1.5 years now).
Saw stabil 7 over here for 51 Euro..
From rippa rit - 16 Jun 2011 - 11:24 - Updated: 16 Jun 2011 - 13:11
My short answer is to make a visit to the Podiatrist and get some professional advice on type of shoes, support your feet need, and have tailor-made orthodics to suit just you.....feet are personal a bit like noses!
Before you visit just any Podiatrist, check out who attends to the elite sports teams in your country. In Australia many of our athletes have specially made gear to prevent recurring injury, blisters, etc.
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Hey found this after perusing the boards and I thought it would be worth mentioned that I used to get this problem of my super expensive insoles wearing out and getting holes in them constantly. I actually then found that carbon fiber insoles seem to live longer! Here are the ones I now wear and havnt had any holes appear on them and have been wearing them for a few months now
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