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Matthew wears Peter Barker down to win ISS Canary

Published: 02 Apr 2011 - 09:57 by rippa rit

Updated: 02 Apr 2011 - 09:57

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Nick Matthew (Eng) the defending champ defeats Peter Barker (Eng) in four.  What a great week for Peter Barker who was seeded 4 to come through to the final.  At 26 years of age he has a few years to catch up to Nick Matthew and supported by his home crowd put up a great fight.

Matthew lost the first game 11-5 and in the second game came out increasing the tempo, hogging the centre and continually keeping Peter Barker on the move. Nick was grinding Peter down gradually and could afford to do that being the fitter player on the night having come through with a half match from Greg Gaultier who retired injured/sick.

The match results over 58 minutes, 5-11 11-4 11-1 11-3,

In the third game Peter was showing a bit of frustration as he was scrambling to get into position making a few errors as Nick was hunting the ball and never very far away from Peter, never letting up. 

A great game of skill and fitness.  The main shots initially were tight length drives, volleys, and drops and towards the end some boasts just to add some extra gut wrench.

Well done Nick Matthew.   We will see more of Peter Barker in the future as he showed tremendous athletism and talent.

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