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Peter Barker (ENG) into Canary Wharf Final

Published: 27 Mar 2011 - 20:08 by rippa rit

Updated: 31 Mar 2011 - 16:21

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Peter Barker defeated his countryman James Willstrop in four games to move into the final against Nick Matthew.

James took out the first game 16-14, after a long tussle, winning  with an unforced error from Barker. The following three games were not so close, and the final point for the match ended in a Stroke to Barker.

The first set was a grind and took away a lot of energy, and the following games did not have the same level of perseverance and patience, most probably due to the great physical presence Barker showed right to the end.

This was the first time that Barker had ever beaten Wilstrop in a competitive match, despite the two playing regularly as juniors and throughout their respective professional careers.

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