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squash game avaible

Published: 08 Mar 2011 - 23:47 by yarek

Updated: 25 Mar 2011 - 16:12

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Hi members,

just to let you know a new free flash squash game is avaible.

Includes psa, wispa, exibitions, tournaments, proshop, battlenetwork

you can test it on

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From squashman - 25 Mar 2011 - 16:12

I gave this game a decent try and here are my thoughts. Firstly, the positives - the graphics are great, well done. The concept is just excellent, and I especially like that there is an option of career mode.

The negatives - The biggest thing I found was that the court seemed to be a bit too big for the speed of the players. This was evident to me on easy mode when I couldnt win a game for a long time, which becomes quite annoying.

Overall, I did enjoy the game but I think that the easy setting needs to be made a bit easier for beginners. I certainly look forward to seeing what this game can become with some improvements.

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From aprice1985 - 10 Mar 2011 - 08:25

I have given this a bit of a go and I like the idea, graphics seem good and it is nice to have a game with a boast but I fear I found it just massivley frustrating.  the movement is appalling, really jerky and you can't change direction to save a point!  The depth perspective is not great so getting in position for front court shots is hard.  Finally most of the training games don't seem to work.  Nice attempt but needs some work so as not to annoy the ^%& out of me.

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Firstly, would like to say how impressed I am by this forum - a real cornucopia of squash knowledge!

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