Head 115ct stringing tension
Published: 07 Feb 2011 - 03:24 by Aico
Updated: 17 Jul 2011 - 12:44
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Just got a stringingmachine, but I'm not sure what tensions are good. Head's stringinginstructions are very confusing. It states both kilo's and pounds, but they are different. 13/11 k is 28,6/24,2 lbs, but head says 26/24. So should I go for 12/11k or 13/11k?
Check the link for the PDF file.
Also in k it states you can go up or down 2k, but in pounds only 3. 2k is 4,4 lbs so what should I do? It doesn't make sense to me. Do I follow the kilo tension or the pounds one? Do you need to keep a certain tension ratio for the M and X?

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From hamburglar - 17 Jul 2011 - 12:44 - Updated: 17 Jul 2011 - 12:44
From PaulRacket - 08 Jul 2011 - 20:16
The ideal way to deal with racket tension is just leave it to the experts when they restring for you. If you're in North London, London Strings offer a top class restringing service from £11. They do restringing for top pros, and can be found at www.strings.moonfruit.com
From PaulRacket - 08 Jul 2011 - 20:16
The ideal way to deal with racket tension is just leave it to the experts when they restring for you. If you're in North London, London Strings offer a top class restringing service from £11. They do restringing for top pros, and can be found at www.strings.moonfruit.com
From rippa rit - 07 Feb 2011 - 07:08
The Relevant Content tab lists subjects on this topic discussed previously (see top left hand column) and will give you plenty of reading, and also give you some idea of the strings, string tension, etc.
Hope this helps.
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Not all stringers know how to string racquets, or squash racquets. Nor is it always convenient, so it's good that you're trying.
I think you're overthinking the tension. Head suggests a 2lb. difference between mains and crosses, or 1 kilo. 2kilos would work also, but it may depend on the number of mains vs. crosses you have. bigger difference, bigger tension difference I might use.
There are so many variables when stringing that you really just need to pick a tension and see what it feels like. A dropweight will string tighter than a crank/lock-out machine, thinner string will play tighter than thicker string, fixed clamps may tension tighter than flying clamps, string type, etc. etc. If I were you I'd string one racquet at 22/20 lbs, and the other at 28/26 lbs. That should give you a good feel of two different tensions.
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