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Twinge in my knee-advice please

Published: 06 Feb 2011 - 05:11 by Nigel

Updated: 07 Feb 2011 - 00:22

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Started playing squash again at a healthy 51yrs of age with my son-not that competetive.

I'm no expert at the game but have loved playing since I was 18yrs.

Anyway I,ve noticed a twinge in the knee the past few games when I put weight on my right knee when moving around the court. This stops me moving as quickly as I would like.

No pain when I take the weight off or after  the game.

Any advice re: exercises, rest , knee supports (would they help)?

Thank you



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From Nigel - 07 Feb 2011 - 00:22

Thanks for that advice-not really overweight but will try the rest.



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From rippa rit - 06 Feb 2011 - 07:56

Nigel there are a few things I would do before I wrecked my knee permanently:

1. Lose some weight, not by dieting so much but by reducing the "empty calories" from your diet for starters.

2. Build up your quads (they do support the knee); watch weight bearing stuff and maybe use a bike or exercise bike, aqua is another way, and if that hurts stop.

3. Visit a physio a few times and get some very specific exercises to strengthen those muscles.

Thank your son for inviting you to play as it probably has given you a wake-up call.

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