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Leaning away from the ball?

Published: 30 Jan 2011 - 22:05 by rippa rit

Updated: 30 Jan 2011 - 22:05

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Rippa Rita`s championship squash tip

If your opponent is leaning into the ball, it is likely you will be on the back foot leaning away from the ball.  How does this work?

  • Playing good length prevents the opponent moving forward,  and most probably causes leaning onto the back foot.
  • Playing to the corners keeps the opponent on the defensive.
  • Playing just one metre short can mean the difference between attack and defence and can take away the initiative during the rally.

If your game is difficult it could be just as simple as adjusting the length of the drives which in turn pushes the opponent into the corners. Playing half to mid-court can over inflate how good the opponent really is playing. 

Always have a basic plan, ie good length, tight to the walls, aim for the corners, and keep it simple.





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