Which racket should I get? - 2011
Published: 24 Jan 2011 - 05:53 by bdurrant91
Updated: 24 Jan 2011 - 16:10
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I'm looking for a new racket and it seems that most posts on this subject are from around 2009!
I've been playing for two years, have a decent swing, not hitting the wall/floor etc. and am looking to upgrade from my first beginner racket to a more advanced one. I'm mainly looking on amazon at such rackets as:
DUNLOP HOT MELT C-MAX Titanium/Carbon Squash Racket.
Dunlop Aerogel 4D Pro Gt-X Squash Racquet
Wilson Hyper Hammer 120PH - Squash Racket
Seeing as no-one I know seems confident enough to offer advice on this, if anyone could recommend a good racket, that'd be great!

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From sloejp - 24 Jan 2011 - 16:10
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what kind of game do you play? i've played with the 4d pro gtx. it's a control racket. you won't get much power out of it unless you're fairly experienced. but when hitting up and down the walls the ball will come back as straight as an arrow. also good for drops.
never played with the hyper hammer, but it does have a reputation for generating a lot of power. don't know anything about the other dunlop you mention.
this seems an odd short list for new rackets. what do people at your club have to say?
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