Published: 18 Jan 2011 - 05:15 by kanads
Updated: 02 Feb 2011 - 09:56
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hello to everyone, im kinda a beginner player at squash and recently i bought a DUNLOP AEROGEL 4D PRO GT-X. The problem is that i feel i dont have the power that i need on this racket, as other people on the club have another type of DUNLOP racket and when i tried them, is like you feel the strings vibrate when you hit and the shot comes out much more powerful than in mine
My question is, what can i do to better mi raquet? do i have to change the strings to a 24lb instead of the ones that come with it? or i just find myself a new racket?

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From dutchmaster2001 - 02 Feb 2011 - 09:56
From rippa rit - 19 Jan 2011 - 07:55
There is nothing previously been discussed about this racket as far as I can see. However, the Relevant Content tab (top left) has lots of discussion on strings/stringing which should be helpful.
Just a comment on the vibration you mentioned...people put vibration dampeners to protect their elbows, so if there is vibration when hitting I would be sus of that too. Sure, if you hit off center it is not unusual to get vibration.
I recommend you go to the Squash Library/Technique and review your grip/swing.
From sloejp - 18 Jan 2011 - 11:49
DUNLOP AEROGEL 4D PRO GT-X is not a racket that will generate power for the beginner or for players with poor technique. first, i would restring to 24lbs, maybe even 22lbs, with tecnifibre x-one biphase, which is fairly soft and should generate more power for you. if you're still struggling, then perhaps it's better to switch to a teardrop-shaped racket. some popular choices are tecnifibre carboflex, black knight c2c nxs, anything by wilson. hope this helps
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Where are you located? I'm looking for a Pro GT-X and have a couple of racquets you may like. I'm in Toronto.
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