Squash Bag
Published: 07 Jan 2011 - 22:20 by squasher
Updated: 27 Jan 2011 - 20:19
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Hey All
I am looking for somerecommendation for a bag.
I am looking for a bag that could hold 3-4 rackets with covers, and also have some space to carry a fresh change, squash balls, towel and shoes (maybe a dry bag for a pair of slippers). One important feature I am looking for is shoulder strap as I often walk to the courts (warm up the legs). i did look at the HEAD ATP 6 racket bag online, but I believe it is quite big. I have not seen it in front of me, so am not sure, was wondering if someone who is a user can tell me about it.
Cheers in advance.

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From squasher - 27 Jan 2011 - 20:19
From drop-shot - 08 Jan 2011 - 06:08 - Updated: 08 Jan 2011 - 06:08
PRINCE Tour Team 6 Pack Racket Bag / Dunlop Aerogel 4D 6 Racquet Bag: each of them will fulfill your expectations
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thank you for the reply.
I will take a look at them. think I might go for Prince as its got more space. not sure if any of the bags got detachable back straps as I see some people say the material is not breathable.
ideally, i would be carry the following:
3-4 rackets, squash balls, grips, crash tape, couple of extra T-shirts, jumper, shoes, towel, a fresh change, toilet kit, beach towel.
do you think it would fit in the Prince/Dunlop bag.
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