Looking for advice on new squash shoe
Published: 10 Oct 2010 - 14:30 by ibs408
Updated: 15 Oct 2010 - 22:20
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I'm looking for a good squash Shoe. The most important thing for me is good support and qushaning for the heel.
There are many shoes out there and my last one (Wilson) was not that great, so your advice will be appreciated.

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From raystrach - 15 Oct 2010 - 22:20
From bava - 12 Oct 2010 - 19:43
Hi ibs408
I have only ever used one type of shoe. That is the Asics Gel Rocket. I have never looked at any other as they are so comfortable and long lasting that I can't see I will get any benefit from anywhere else. So in my opinion these shoes are brilliant, comfortable and very competitively priced.
I have also tried the Adidas Court Raw 2, but did not get on with these at all. I constantly seemed to turn my ankle while wearing them so they did not last long.
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hi ibs408
i agree with bava, the asics indoor range is very hard to beat.
the gel cushioning is hard wearing and generally the shoes last.
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