Help on Buying a new Racket for a beginner
Published: 29 Sep 2010 - 08:00 by bineetmehta
Updated: 11 Oct 2010 - 02:16
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Hi, I am planning to learn how to play squash (2 to 3 times a week)..... i have bought myself a Wilson Hyper hammer 120 PH and a Head Micro Gel 125 rackets for learning.
Would like your help/feedback on these rackets. I will be playing in Mumbai (India), and since I am visiting London currently, I would not mind buying few rackets and taking them with me. As the rackets in India usually cost more than what they do over here + not all racket models are available.
So I was wondering if you could help me by giving me advice on the above rackets bought and the following ones -
1. Prince Triple Threat TT Sovereign Squash Racket
2. Browning Oxylite Nano Ti 120
3. Head i.110 Squash Racket
4. Prince O3 Speedport Black - Squash Racket
Looking forward to your advice and help.
Cheers, Bineet

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From bineetmehta - 11 Oct 2010 - 02:16
From drop-shot - 02 Oct 2010 - 02:55 - Updated: 02 Oct 2010 - 02:56
Hello newbie. Nice to meet you.
Actually – none of the chosen ones are recommended for beginneers. At least in my opinion.
Why? The weight counts. Light rackets (Head i 110 / Browning 120) are for advanced players who achieved the level they can control light racket...
Being the beginner willing to learn I'd chose 135g racket. Brand and color does not matter.
I am sorry to be a joy-killer, but that's how it looks. I know you'd look trendy and sexy withthe most advanced Prince racket in our hand, but... People would laugh at you. Do you need that?
From bineetmehta - 01 Oct 2010 - 02:50
hi, thanks but I have already taken a look at the various posts. However still a little unsure, hence would appreciate if someone could help/advices on which racket to get, following are the choices -
1. Prince Triple Threat TT Sovereign Squash Racket 2. Browning Oxylite Nano Ti 120 3. Head i.110 Squash Racket 4. Prince O3 Speedport Black
From raystrach - 30 Sep 2010 - 09:13
take a look at the relavant content item on the left for more info
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well the Prince TT Sovergin Squash racket does weigh 135 grams, so does the O3 Speedport but I don't plan on spending that much on a Speedport as of now.
So does that mean that I should buy the Prince TT Sovergin racket and Wilson Hyper hammer 120 PH and Head Micro Gel 125 ?
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