Squash shoes for wide feet
Published: 01 Sep 2010 - 06:07 by markus.readus
Updated: 02 Apr 2011 - 12:06
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Hi Everyone,
I've had a few weeks off squash (normally play every day), and have noticed that my shoes are in fact incredibly uncomfortable! I guess I had enough caluses to minimise the problems, but they were never a great fit really.
Does anyone have any suggestions for models of shoe that tend to have a wider fit around the toes? Or manufacturers that tend to cater for wider feet? Currently I'm using Prince MV4s. These are causing the problems. Previously I've owned several pairs of Asics Gel Blast (versions 2 and 3), they too seem to be built for narrower toes.
So, any suggestions? I'm sick of my little toes hurting, and skin coming off their tops!
Any input greatly appreciated.

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From peacewise - 15 Dec 2010 - 21:46 - Updated: 15 Dec 2010 - 21:47
From hitter5864 - 17 Sep 2010 - 03:22
New Balance makes shoes in varying widths you could see if they make an indoor court shoe and try an E
From hamburglar - 13 Sep 2010 - 20:23
Prince shoes work for my 7.5EE feet (size 8 shoes) however the MV4's do have a narrow fit. I believe they are not the NFS style like the other Prince shoes. I don't know of any other shoe with an even wider fit than the NFS. Maybe try a New Balance tennis shoe
From raystrach - 02 Sep 2010 - 12:13
hi markus
could it be that you are not doing your shoes up properly. i have a wide foot and use asics.
if the shoe is not done up properly, especially in the bottom part of the laces (near the toe), your foot will tend to slip forward in the shoe, squashing your toes. this happens to me if i am a bit slack and don't ensure that the laces are tighter at the bottom of the laces.
depending on your foot shape, and especially if you have flat feet, they will tend to slide in the shoe more. the arched foot tends to provide a barrier to i sliding forward.
although i have a high arch, they still slide forward if i am not attentive with doing up the laces
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give the hitech m500 a go, they got the new style of toe in them that has plenty of room.
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