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Advice Needed - Breaks during sets/points

Published: 16 Aug 2010 - 16:58 by Gav800

Updated: 17 Aug 2010 - 07:12

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I play social squash with a friend each week and we play for money.

We played today with the final score: 11-3, 7-11, 12-10, 1-11, 11-8.  My friend winning.

I'm a lot fitter than my friend and as such, I often play a lot better later in the game.  This was highly noticeable by my 11-1 win in the fourth set.  However, my friend had two long breaks at very crucial points in the match.

Break 1 - After the fourth set ended, he left the arena and the break was between 8-10minutes

Break 2 - 8-8 in the fourth set.  I was ahead 6-0, he came back to lead 8-6, then I got momentum back and had the score at 8-8, then he requests a break.

In my opinion, these two breaks cost me the match, especially the 8-10 minutes between the fourth and fifth sets.  The courts were empty also so it killed any momentum/vibe the game had.  I recover quickly and felt like the fifth set was pretty much a fresh game altogether.

Does anybody have a ruling on this?

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From rippa rit - 17 Aug 2010 - 07:12

Squashgame has a huge amount of info in the Squash Library/Rules to help you understand the rules of the game.

Also take a look at the Relevant Content tab (top lefthand side) for more forum discussions.

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From dave - 17 Aug 2010 - 02:13

Who can honestly say whether or not those long breaks lost you the match or not, really they should have been decided pre-match. Pay up and put in rules not next time. :p

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