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Shoulder strap?

Published: 26 Jul 2010 - 23:20 by mikehurl

Updated: 27 Jul 2010 - 00:43

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I've recently started playing squash with my girlfriend, and purchased a racket that I'm happy with.  However, a work colleague has asked if I would like to play a game with him.  if I do, I would like to cycle to his gym, and am therefore looking for a way to carry my racket.  I really don't want to by a specific bag, and am wondering if it is possible to buy a shoulder strap to attach to the racket cover?  A perfunctory google search has not brought anything up, so any help would be appreciated!

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From Adz - 27 Jul 2010 - 00:43

I usually find loads of racket covers for sale on ebay. That's probably the best place to start. If you live in the UK then drop me a shout and I'll happily send you one for free if you cover the postage as I have about 6 left over from when I've broken rackets in the past.


I've got at least 3 dunlop aerogel cases that all have shoulder straps on them.








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