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Is Squash harmful for girls?

Published: 15 Jul 2010 - 06:39 by fabulousme

Updated: 01 Sep 2010 - 05:54

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Plz reply...its really urgent...I am a15-Years old girl who is crazy for squash.Can anyone give me an authentic reason that does squash affects the reproduction system of women? It is a fast game in which there are numerous stretches and drills,so is it dangerous for women in regular basis? I have heard that irls who play squash cannot become mothers..Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz clear my query?? i would be really grateful..Thanks!

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From fabulousme - 01 Sep 2010 - 05:54

Thankyou guyz....I feel eally cOMFORTABLE now playin Squash!!

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From rippa rit - 15 Jul 2010 - 08:55   -   Updated: 15 Jul 2010 - 09:30

I have played sport or lead a physical life all my life, have reared 3 children, played squash 4 days a week for years, coached for 20 years, and as a result have controlled weight, retained bone density, good hand-eye coordination, agile for age, pulse of 60.  Proud to be active.

There is probably a bigger drop out of girls in sport at the onset of womanhood, say around 13 yrs and upwards, especially for the not so sporting type.  With the increase of adipose tissue as woman develop breasts, thighs, etc and become more shapely there is generally a growth spurt outwards in girls which can slow then down during their sports performance. (Very annoying when the boys seem to grow taller and stronger!!) This can be a very confusing time in a girl's life when this transition is occurring and life presents extra challenges and desires and choices. 

Why do I encourage girls to continue in sport at this vital time:

  • helps control the weight gain
  • helps the social activity
  • builds self esteem
  • releases some of the frustration

and much more....

Sport for life is good.


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From Adz - 15 Jul 2010 - 06:58

I have to say that I've known loads of lady players who have not just played often, but also played at a very high level, who have gone onto being mothers without too much difficulty.

But I also know of some of them who haven't been able to have children, but I don't think there would be any evidence to suggest that this was due to squash, as it could just be a genetic thing.

Certainly I highly doubt that the body's design will cause damage to the womb through squash, if it did then we wouldn't have survived millions of years of hunting and evolution intact.


If you are that concerned then I would probably suggest visiting a doctor specialising in sports injuries or contacting a bio-mechanist in a local university to find out some more information.






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