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Seeking Advice for Selecting a Squash Bag

Published: 21 Jun 2010 - 16:36 by Mr. Glass

Updated: 06 Aug 2010 - 19:27

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Hi Everyone,


So far, I have been using a reusable cloth shopping bag (like the one in the link posted below) and have been carrying my racket seperately.


It can become quite cumbersome to sort out my stuff when it is all in one compartment.


I am seeking a squash bag with the following features:

-ability to fit two rackets

-can fit easily into a somewhat small locker

-extra room for a change of clothes

-multiple compartments

-water-proof/resistent compartment that can store sandals after they have been used in the gym shower, without water dripping into other compartments

-comfortable to carry


Any recommendations of particular brands/models? (If the above requirements are met, cost is not my main concern.)




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From Adz - 06 Aug 2010 - 19:27

Glad we could help!

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From Mr. Glass - 06 Aug 2010 - 03:12

Just wanted to say thanks for the good advice. I ended up getting the 2010 version Babolat AeroPro 9 and have been very happy with it.

If anyone else is in my situation, it is definitely a bag that I would recommend.

Thanks again!


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From Adz - 28 Jun 2010 - 18:37

Whenever I try to buy anything I always spend a qhile shopping around online.  You can usually get a good deal somewhere by doing a bit of searching and when I got my Babolat bag I saved 25% by buying last years model.


Worth spending a bit of time searching.


As for the size issue, the 12 bag is HUGE. Not likely to fit into a locker. Try measuring out the dimensions to give yourself an idea before you try to buy.





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From Mr. Glass - 27 Jun 2010 - 05:01   -   Updated: 27 Jun 2010 - 05:01

Thanks you Adz for all of the detailed info!

I do like to features of the Babolat Aeropro and think that may be the one for me.

If I usually only carry one or two rackets with me and don't mind putting my shoes in the racket section, do you think that the 6 racket version would be large enough, or should I opt for the 12? I have no problem carrying around a larger bag with space to spare, but want to be sure it fits in the locker.


I have found each model on a few different sites. Is there a particular merchant you would recommend with decent pricing and a good return/exchange policy if I need to switch from one size to another?




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From Adz - 22 Jun 2010 - 02:13   -   Updated: 22 Jun 2010 - 02:15

Long time since I've posted on here, but here goes!


Probably the best bag that I've come across to match all of your requirements is the Tecnifibre V02 Max 9 racket holder. It has a separate area to keep your shoes away from the main compartment, whilst easily having enough space to keep enough kit and rackets (including racket covers).


I was using the 12 racket version to hold the following:

  • Squash shoes and ankle brace in shoe compartment
  • Shower bag (10cmx10cmx25cm), "shaving" bag containing new squash balls, grips etc (12cmx10cmx20cm), training targets, bin liners (for wet kit), various neoprene supports - all in 1 racket pocket with roon to spare!
  • Large Beach Towel, tracksuit bottoms, shorts, 2 shirts, bandanas, sweat bands, clean trousers and shirt for after play - this was a tight fit, but it all got into main compartment
  • 4 rackets (each with full cover) in 2nd racket compartment
  • MP3 armband, used squash balls, pens, earphones, muscle rub, band-aids, spare shoe laces and other small odds and ends in side pocket

There was enough space spare in the racket compartments to fit a total of 6 covered rackets on one side, or all the above mentioned shower / shaving bags plus spare squash shoes on the other side.

As you can probably tell, I like to travel fully equiped to train and play, so I like to have a bag that caters for everything I can throw at it. It was only due to the tight fit in the main storeage compartment that I came to change to a babolat aeropro 12 racket bag, but these don't come with a separate shoe comparment (although they do have a special shoe bag in the main compartment).


Anyhow.... pros and cons of the tecnifibre......


Easy to keep clean due to the PVC finish on the outer bag

Lots of space and compartments to store items separately

High build quality mixing durability with comfort when carrying

Very sturdy zips (do not underestimate the need for quality zips!!)



Shoulder straps were not detachable for separate washing and begin to smell over time if carried when sweaty

PVC material means that the contents deosn't "breathe" easily. Empty wet kit as soon as possible to avoid interior condensation (hense my use of bin-liners to store wet kit)

Shoe compartment protrudes into main section and things can get stuck under it (only really applies to the odd sock or sweat band, but it was a pain!!


Anyhow, I hope that helps with your choice?

As for the Babolat one I have now, it's almost exactly the same except it has detachable shoulder straps and an insulated drinks holder instead of a separate shoe compartment. It also has more space in the main compartment allowing for a few extra things to be stored (but note that this will need to include your shoes unless you put them into one of the racket compartments like I do!).






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