Squash grip - help please
Published: 19 Jun 2010 - 19:16 by suhaib
Updated: 25 Jul 2010 - 04:01
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i had a really important question which is bothering me quite a bit. it was about my grip.
i recently noticed that i don't play with the same grip on the forehand and the backhand sides. the forehand grip is the usual (make the v at the side of the racquet )but when i move to the backhand side i rotate the racquet a little and it closes the racquet face a little. i wanted to ask if this is okay ?
tried to change the grip but it just wont work and it feels like i am playing with my left hand. looks like i have been doing this for a long time and it has become a habit now. i really need your help...tell me should i continue changing grips on the forehand and backhand or should i start doing drills and solo practice and try to correct my grip.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From grinder - 25 Jul 2010 - 04:01
From rippa rit - 22 Jun 2010 - 19:27
I have added key words and you will now find under "Relevant Content" see tab on top lefthand column there has been quite a lot of discussion on the Grip. If you have any questions after reading all these posts just throw in another post.
Shuib It would be good if the heading could be changed to something like, eg "Is it OK to keep changing my grip" or something that will identify the post more easily through the Forum Archives.
From thorium - 19 Jun 2010 - 23:55
Ideally, you should not be adjusting your grip every time you switch from forehand to backhand. It's important that there is as little variation as possible in your grip when you groove your shots, as inconsistency will result in inaccuracy.
This is not to say you can't change your grip mid-rally. It's often useful to slide your hand further down the grip for increased power.
Try to keep a consistent grip, especially if you're not very experienced. Solo drills go a long way, especially drills with alternating backhands and forehands, such as figure eights, and alternating straight volleys and short single-corner volleys.
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before every point make a note of your grip.make sure you can you can see the same angle of your racket as you put it up to your right shoulder, then your left shoulder.only change your racket grip during the shot if you want touch (HOLD GRIP HIGHER UP SHAFT FOR BETTER FEEL) or lower down shaft (FOR MORE POWER DURING RALLIES) or hold grip in the middle for normal play. thats what my coach told me and it seemed to work for me.
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