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Shoes not mentioned on here. Help?

Published: 10 Jun 2010 - 17:41 by skiersexcuse

Updated: 12 Jun 2010 - 08:54

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I've been playing squash for some time now, a few times a week, but just using my regular Nike Dart 7 and I realise I'm starting to get sore heels which is bad news.


I don't really want to fork out $150AUD which is what the Prince NFS IV would be likely to cost me so I was wondering what people thought about some lesser known brands.


The first is the Hi-Tec Squash classic which players from a couple of decades ago seemed to wear. They seem sturdy enough but I hear reports of them wearing out quickly?


Also, I was wondering what people thought about these? It's a no name brand but I think they're manufactured in Australia and are meant to be tailor made to suit squash and badminton players.


tell me what you think?

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From rippa rit - 12 Jun 2010 - 08:48   -   Updated: 12 Jun 2010 - 08:54

You asked Dave - I presently have two pairs of Asics Gel Indoor Court Shoes. The cost was about $150 pr.  The brand I wear might not suit everyone's foot as my foot is very broad.  However the features I look for are good support, gel inserts for cushioning, a last that will flex (not stiff and rigid in design).  Some breathing material on top might be good for keeping cooler and dryingout after perspiring during play. For those who wear an orthodic or insert a size bigger is often needed to accommodate the extra innersole, as often we get shoes that are too small and that does not help our feet or our shoes.  If the shoe is too tight we can lose a toenail, if it is too loose we can slide forward as we get up and down onto our toes to take off,  so it is a very personal fit.  If we are fat our feet are chubby, if we are skinny our feet are bony, if we are bandy there is a lot more striking underfoot on the outside of the shoe, if we are knock-kneed we are prone to having more striking pressure on the inside of the shoe when we stop, etc.  That is why I shop at Athletics Foot and get an impression of my strike taken before purchasing and hopefully that will mean the attendant will only bring me the right type of shoe for fact when my foot touches the ground it shows that not all parts of my foot put pressure on the floor (outside mid section).....furthermore, then when you do get the right shoe often that line is discontinued so the merry-go-round starts over again. Good fun hey, and expensive to get the comfy thing.


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From skiersexcuse - 11 Jun 2010 - 01:35

 hi guys,


thanks for the feedback. but yeah i was really looking for feedback on those particular types of shoes that weren't already listed on here. i agree that there is a good deal on shoes and people's personal preference. i was just wondering about the hi-tec squash classic in particular as it seems to be a lot of places online to buy but no one has mentioned it. i also dig the price tag and the old school vibe of the shoe but obviously that's no reason to purchase something if it's majorly deficient in other areas.

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From dave - 11 Jun 2010 - 00:57

skier - take a look under the Relevant Content (tab top left) for a bit of reading.  Shoes are a personal item and feet are a valuable thing, and sore feet can be your worst nightmare....Indoor court shoes are the go for squash and definitely not runners or could be that your other shoes are worn out and losing their support for your feet....pension them off for fishing or gardening and go for a good shoe that supports you well.


Had a look around relevant content, and the squash shop.

It would be helpful though if we could get some recommendations, reviews or just straight links to people's favorite squash shoe. For example, what shoe do you wear? Thanks.

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From rippa rit - 10 Jun 2010 - 19:30   -   Updated: 10 Jun 2010 - 19:31

skier - take a look under the Relevant Content (tab top left) for a bit of reading.  Shoes are a personal item and feet are a valuable thing, and sore feet can be your worst nightmare....Indoor court shoes are the go for squash and definitely not runners or could be that your other shoes are worn out and losing their support for your feet....pension them off for fishing or gardening and go for a good shoe that supports you well.

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